Confessions of an Abandoned Child

In Book Releases by SPARKlersLeave a Comment

Just in time for Domestic Violence Awareness Month, this eye-opening story sheds light on a very dark, silent part of our community while providing inspiration to abused and neglected women and children. Curtrina Pharr grew up in a version of Charlotte, N.C., that most of us won’t recognize—one where getting to the park early to avoid the crowd meant getting there in time to claim the relatively secure sleeping spot inside the covered sliding board. Confessions of an Abandoned Child is Curtrina’s story of surviving the death of her parents, physical and emotional abuse, homelessness, and the hardships that often result from all the above. New friends, faith, and the birth of her son helped her to imagine a better future and to start creating it. Now a mother who is working her way through school, Curtrina answered a few questions for us about her book and plans.

Curtrina Pharr

What do you want to accomplish by sharing your story?

I hope that it helps kids, teens, and women by inspiring them to overcome situations of abuse and neglect.

Who should read this book?

People who are in such situations but maybe more importantly the people who are in a position to help them.

What’s next for you?

Completing college is a top priority. Then I’d like to save up to buy a house to give my child a home and a place he can always come back to. I want to make sure he’s away from the kind of violence and drugs we see even where we live now. I also want to continue to write and inspire people through my writing. And I’d like to get involved with helping foster children and other kids who are going through rough times.

How SPARK Publications Was Involved

Curtrina’s friend and mentor Catherine Fleming met and introduced Curtrina to SPARK Publications president Fabi Preslar. Fabi decided to take on production of the book as a gift to Curtrina so that she has an empowering tool to launch her platform and share her story. SPARK Publications was directly involved in editing the book, designing the cover and interior pages, and managing print production, and will provide some marketing services for the book. Fabi also brought together a team of women who donated their services to bring this book to the community. They include Wendy Gill who provided initial editing and writing coaching, Deborah Triplett who captured the cover image, Kymm McLean who did Curtrina’s hair and makeup for the photo shoot, and Lou Solomon who coached Curtrina on sharing her story and engaging with a live audience.

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