looking for redbirds devotional book

Looking for Redbirds: 40 Days of Encouragement that We Are Never Alone

In Book Releases by SPARKlers4 Comments

Faith led Dori Grassau through the dark days during and after her divorce. Looking for Redbirds offers forty days of devotionals based on lessons she learned during that time. With thought-provoking stories, favorite Bible verses, and a friendly, intimate style, she leads others in similar circumstances out of the darkness and into the light.


Recently married to her first love with whom she reconnected after thirty years, Dori took a few moments to answer some questions about her writing and publishing journey.

Dori on working with SPARK Publications
All of the SPARKlers were so patient with me and kind. This was my first book, and I learned a lot about the process of writing and what is required when formatting it into an actual, tangible book. They really encouraged me along the way not to give up on my dream even when roadblocks occurred. They kept me focused on pressing forward no matter how long it took. Most of all, there is an energy that they care about me not only as a client but also as a person. They understood what it meant for me to accomplish this. For that, I will be forever grateful.

dori grassau, redbirds devotional authorWhat inspired you to write this book?

I was inspired to write this book as a way to fulfill my desire to help others. Doing so made my heart come alive.

What is your primary goal for the book?

I want it to help others get through lonely times and encourage them to have the life they really want—to find comfort in knowing that they are never really alone.

What role(s) did SPARK Publications play in publishing your book?

They were obviously instrumental from all of the encouragement, the great artwork that conveyed exactly what I had dreamed, to guiding me through each step of the process till the very end. Even though I finally have my first hard copy, I know they are still there for me should I have any more lingering questions. It’s funny how things work out. I met Fabi at a business expo a few years ago and held onto her card. I am so glad I did.

Do you have any advice for other authorpreneurs?

Break down your goals into baby steps but keep moving forward. Think out of the conventional “box” about ways you can achieve your dreams. There is always a way, and you do not have to always do it as others expect you to or the way you think it has to be done according to typical methods. Dreams remain dreams until you get them out of your head and onto paper therefore creating some sort of action on your part.

What’s next for you?

Marketing this book and using it as a platform for more books, speaking, and personal coaching.


  1. So proud of your accomplishment and for sharing it with others….me; this book, your journey, inspires me …..thank you🤗

    1. Thank you Robyn for all of your words of encouragement during those times I didn’t think I could make it happen! Love you.

  2. Dori, Can’t wait to read this, knowing your story and you I know this book will help others and am so excited for all the people that will benefit from your stories.

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