“This book is about ownership, accountability, and the raw, unadulterated truth about situations that I may, or may not, have encountered throughout my many years in corporate Human Resources (HR).”
—Nikki Pounds
The Leader Who CARES: Guiding Human Resource Practitioners to Navigate Workplace Environments introduces Human Resources (HR) practitioners to the CARES Leadership Model®, a tool to evaluate the cultural health of an organization. This book details toxic behaviors of bully bosses and contrasts them with real-life stories of how inspirational leaders support HR, motivate their teams, and lead successful organizations. The Leader Who CARES is perfect for HR practitioners who want to learn to navigate complicated workplace environments and inspire leaders to lead authentically.
Nikki Pounds is a wife and mother first, and a Human Resources (HR) practitioner and entrepreneur second. She is an accomplished speaker and business executive with twenty-five years of HR and leadership development expertise and is the founder of HR Unequivocally® in Charlotte, North Carolina.
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